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In the Wake of Success

Ed Fowkes • 16 May 2023

The Voyage to Profitability, Scalability, and Sustainability

Navigating the Entrepreneurial Seas to Success


Embarking on an entrepreneurial journey is akin to setting sail on a vast ocean of opportunities, challenges, and unpredictability. As business leaders and aspiring entrepreneurs, it's imperative that we equip ourselves with the knowledge, skills, and mindset to navigate these waters, lest we find ourselves adrift or, worse, shipwrecked. As I embark and guide my trusty vessel to explore the essential elements that make a business profitable, scalable, and sustainable, I'll hopefully unearth, along the journey, some nuggets that expose how to build an empire that stands the test of time, enabling the creation of an entity that leaves a lasting and meaningful impact on the world.

From understanding market demand and crafting a unique value proposition to fostering adaptability and resilience, let us chart a course through the seas of entrepreneurial endeavour, guided by the wisdom of others. So, hoist the sails and prepare for a voyage. Hopefully I’m able to challenge, enlighten and inspire you on your journey to entrepreneurial success.

Catering to Needs and Desires 

Crafting a Unique Value Proposition


As entrepreneurs, our first port of call in building a successful business is to create a proposition (product or service) with unique value, that can set us apart from the competition. This often starts with an idea, driven by passion, inspiration or identification of a need. Whatever the beginnings are, there are two factors that are important to consider.

Steve Jobs famously said, "You've got to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology.” By focusing on what truly matters to our customers, we can innovate, and create products and services, that not only address customers’ needs but also surpass their expectations. The imperative is to make sure the idea is the customer's passion as well as our own.

Secondly, let us be mindful that it's rather challenging to craft a unique value proposition if we choose to compete with giants like Apple or Amazon. We may be unique, but we make it difficult for ourselves to be noticed, and they will be able to outgun us very easily if they so choose. As aspiring business leaders, it’s good to strike a balance between standing out and swimming with the sharks.

Cultivating Customer Sentiment: Love, Want, and Need

Many a time, entrepreneurs, leaders, and marketers have hinted at the significance of crafting products that customers love, want, and need. Simon Sinek's Golden Circle framework wisely urges us to begin with the customers' "Why." Reflecting on the wisdom of Mr. Jobs, one can clearly observe that customers A. wanted the iPhone, and they eventually came to B. need and C. love it. A plethora of people are now addicted to their smartphones, and the impact on society is simply immeasurable. 

I've taken the liberty of borrowing the words "Love, want, and need" from a rather enlightening YouTube video by James Sinclair, who imparts an intelligent perspective on this concept. As an entrepreneur he is fond of childcare businesses because parents naturally love their children and desire the very best for them. The love, from this view, provides greatest value when implicit from the start and it then drives the want with a strong force behind it. 

A business that has its customers loving, wanting, and needing its products or services is one that's poised for success. Jeff Bezos said, "The best customer service is if the customer doesn't need to call you, doesn't need to talk to you. It just works.” Striving to achieve this trifecta of customer sentiment requires us to listen closely to our audience, continually refine our offerings, and maintain an open line of communication. By truly understanding our customers' desires, we can not only meet but exceed their expectations, creating a lasting bond that will secure their loyalty.

Understanding Market Demand

While crafting a unique value proposition and cultivating customer sentiment are crucial, none of it matters if there is no market demand for our products or services. To quote the legendary investor Warren Buffett, "In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” We must be diligent in conducting market research and understanding the trends and forces that shape our industry. By keeping our fingers on the pulse of market demand, we can identify opportunities for growth and expansion, ensuring our business remains relevant and profitable in an ever-changing landscape. If keeping our fingers crossed, we can at best rely on prayer as we have no clarity. 

By embracing customer’s needs, cultivating customer sentiment, and understanding market demand, we can craft our unique value proposition and build a foundation for a successful and thriving business that will sail confidently from the entrepreneurial source and navigate successfully downstream.

The Backbone of Profitability


Designing a Robust Business Model


A sturdy business model forms the backbone of profitability for any enterprise. We need to clearly understand the revenue streams, pricing strategies, and cost structures that will keep the business afloat and thriving. 

Once we have our core product, to design a robust business model we must think critically about how we create, deliver, and capture value. This involves asking ourselves questions like: 

What are the key resources our business relies on? Can we ensure they don’t run out? 

What are we good at? How do we fill the gaps? 

How do we monetize our products and services? Are there extra pieces of value we could add that yield highly? 

As an entrepreneur with an idea, sometimes we can dive in and get going, building and adding complexity as we go. Other times there’s a lot of planning that requires setting up before launch. Either way, creating the initial model so that it answers the many questions takes time. But we should never stop questioning. Continuously evaluating and refining our business model will help ensure we have a resilient and profitable enterprise. Contemplating on an interesting LinkedIn post by Helen Chorley, I see one of the reasons women often make better leaders than men, is because they are less afraid of questioning themselves. Men tend to prefer swiftly thinking up an efficient solution when they come across a problem and this can be reactive, and less of a holistic approach. This is what psychologists refer to as a male trait, but for us all, improving our network can assist us in this regard.

Lastly, on the business plan, it is worth considering the merit of asset acquisition and weaving it into the plan. Owning the building your business operates in assists stability of the model. In general, growing assets is favoured by banks, and it can be useful when arranging accounts, tax and pension structures. James Sinclair also mentions this at the end of the previously cited video. I still recall the enlightened feeling I had, the first time I realised that MacDonalds wasn’t a hamburger business, but a property business. As business owners we miss a trick if we don’t consider growing a portfolio of assets. 

Financial Management: Ensuring Long-term Success

Obviously growing a portfolio of assets in our business encourages long term success, but the cash and how it flows needs careful management medium term and day to day. Managing finances effectively is essential for long-term business success. 

Andrew Carnegie, the American industrialist and philanthropist, once remarked, "Watch the costs, and the profits will take care of themselves." My mother echoed a similar sentiment about pennies and pounds while teaching me to manage my pocket money, and this certainly applies to the P&L. Financial management encompasses budgeting, cash flow management, and financial forecasting – all crucial elements to keep our businesses sailing on an even keel.

Budgeting helps us allocate resources efficiently. It allows us to assess individual elements of business activities for their cost-effectiveness and keep tabs on the competitiveness of suppliers. Budgeting is the assessment of what it will take to get the job done.

Cash flow management is all about liquidity. It's about monitoring the lifeblood that flows through our business. This involves implementing effective invoicing and collection processes, maintaining a healthy balance between accounts receivable and payable, and minimizing unnecessary expenses. We need to ensure we have sufficient liquidity to meet our short-term and medium-term obligations. By keeping a close eye on our cash flow, we can identify potential issues before they become critical, allowing us to make informed decisions. We use cash flow management to maintain records and analyse how we're performing in relation to the business plan.

Financial forecasting, on the other hand, allows us to make informed decisions about future investments and growth. We can use cash flow analysis to identify areas for improvement, opportunities for expansion, necessary changes, and even to pinpoint any bleeding that needs to be stopped. 

By staying on top of our finances and making data-driven decisions, we can navigate the unpredictable waters of the business world and chart a course towards long-term profitability.

Designing a robust business model and managing finances effectively – these are the essential aspects of a business's financial backbone. Without them, entrepreneurs cannot build profitable enterprises, and with them, we can create sustainable legacies that stand the test of time.

The Lifeblood of a Thriving Business

Customer Acquisition and Retention

As Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, once said, "Business has only two functions – marketing and innovation.” While I consider the comment a little reductionist, marketing is clearly a key catalyst for success. 

Marketing benefits from planning, and while running, it benefits from continual experimentation to adapt. Experimenting with different marketing strategies, sales techniques, and communication channels and finessing each to discover what currently works is the best way to reach and engage our target audience. 

This must not be confused with process drift which can be dangerous. Making small changes due to boredom is easy to do and we often don’t notice we are doing it. But it can slowly erode conversion metrics. We blame the age of the system and think it no longer works, so embark on more experimentation to explore new avenues. Be aware that systems that work are hard to come by, and they require sticking to. 

But landing customers requires work, and it’s costly, either in time, or money, or both. But there’s a silver lining. 

Acquiring customers is only half the battle; retaining them is equally crucial for the long-term success of our business. Luckily, if you’re providing value that’s worthwhile in a business designed for repeat product acquisition, retention can be significantly less work than acquisition. It is also less costly, and more genuine so it is far more satisfying for us, the entrepreneurs and our teams. 

As a further benefit, customer satisfaction creates its own marketing when done well. A customer that’s, as Anthony Robbins puts it, “a raving fan” will shout your praises from on high, wear your merch, or even quote you in their article! By focusing on customer satisfaction, delivering exceptional value, and building relationships based on trust and loyalty, we can ensure that our customers remain with us for the long haul and provide safety to our enterprise.

Harnessing the Power of Repeat Business and Faster Repeat Cycle

Repeat business is a vital component of a thriving enterprise. Overcoming the challenges of customer churn is important due to advertisings expense. Fostering a faster repeat cycle, particularly during the customer’s early days, can help grow loyalty initially and can have a tremendous impact on our bottom line later on. 

We must strive to deliver consistent value, exceed customer expectations, and make it easy for them to do business with us. By implementing systems and processes that streamline customer interactions, we can create a seamless experience that encourages repeat purchases and fosters customer loyalty. This, in turn, can lead to increased revenue, profitability, and long-term sustainability.

Harnessing the power of repeat business and a faster repeat cycle, we can ensure a steady flow of customers and revenue, providing the lifeblood that keeps our business thriving and growing.

Delight Customers and Drive Growth

Offering High-Margin Products and Services

High-margin products and services can make a significant difference in the profitability and growth potential of our businesses. 

There are the obvious ways. More margin equals more profit. More profit enables budget for expansion expenses needed for growth. Less obvious may be that by offering high-margin products and services that deliver exceptional value, we can delight our customers and build a competitive edge that drives growth.

To achieve this, we must continuously analyse our product and service offerings, identifying opportunities to improve quality, streamline delivery, and reduce costs. This may involve innovative approaches to production, distribution, or pricing, as well as exploring new markets and customer segments. Ultimately, the goal is to maximize the value we provide while minimizing the resources required to do so.

Creating Memorable Customer Experiences

As the renowned business consultant, Tom Peters, once said, "The magic formula that successful businesses have discovered is to treat customers like guests and employees like people.

Delighting our customers goes beyond simply providing high-quality products and services; it also involves creating memorable experiences that leave a lasting impression. 

By fostering a customer-centric culture within our organization, we can create an environment where every interaction is designed to exceed expectations and foster loyalty. And we can even surprise our customers in delightful ways to maximise the effect. This may include implementing personalized marketing campaigns, offering outstanding customer support, or going the extra mile to address customer concerns, or simply giving them gifts for the sake of it. By continually seeking ways to delight our customers and create memorable experiences, we can gain a following of raving fans, drive growth, and establish a reputation for excellence.

Offering high-margin products and services, creating memorable customer experiences, delights our customers and drives growth, ensuring our enterprise flourishes in the competitive landscape of the business world.

Building a Strong Team

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

Business leaders know that success hinges on the talent and dedication of team members. As business owners and entrepreneurs, it can be easy to forget this. But remember, as the American entrepreneur, Jim Rohn, is repeatedly quoted as saying, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Like many quotes this is overly simplistic, and Jim Rohn is likely not the originator, however, there’s truth in the idea. Attracting and retaining top talent is crucial to your mindset and your own growth, as well as that of everyone in your organisation and the organisation itself. The whole team growing is what will really drive long-term success and growth for the enterprise.

As owners and leaders, we must create a work environment that fosters collaboration, innovation, and personal growth. This involves offering competitive compensation packages, providing opportunities for advancement, and promoting a healthy work-life balance. By investing in the well-being of our team members, we can build a strong and resilient workforce that drives our business forward.

Empowering Employees and Providing Educational Opportunities

Empowering our employees and providing them with educational opportunities is essential for nurturing a high-performing team. Richard Branson once remarked, "Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don't want to.

By fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth, we can equip our team members with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their roles and contribute to the success of our enterprise.

This can involve offering in-house training programs, sponsoring industry certifications, or providing access to online courses, resources and networking groups. By investing in the professional development of our employees, we can build a capable and adaptable workforce that is prepared to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the business world.

Expanding Your Network Beyond the Company

The importance of networking cannot be overstated when it comes to building a strong team and a successful business. By cultivating relationships with individuals outside of our organization, everyone within can tap into a wealth of knowledge, resources, and opportunities that can help it grow and thrive. 

I continue to write about the benefits of networking, and how to improve your network, as I have benefitted from it a good deal and have run meetings throughout my career, not to mention being a Chair at Table Network. I invite you to connect on LinkedIn, or to visit the TableNetwork blog, to remain updated on content. 

Attending industry conferences, joining professional associations, and participating in sector and even local networking events all play a part. Ensuring groups are both diverse and relevant is hugely important, as it allows us to access fresh perspectives, identify potential partners, and stay informed about emerging trends and opportunities. 

Building a strong team through attracting and retaining top talent, empowering employees, providing educational opportunities, and expanding everyone’s network beyond the company is a powerful way to breed excellence. 

The Devil Is In The Detail

Legal and Compliance: Avoiding Costly Pitfalls

We may be only in it for the money, we may do it because we love the process, or merely do it for a reason to get up in the morning. Whichever the case, the waters are deep, and often look dark. But the detail below the surface is important. 

In the intricate world of business, navigating the legal and regulatory landscape is crucial for the long-term success and sustainability of our enterprises. As the American business magnate, Warren Buffett, once remarked, "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.” Ensuring that our businesses adhere to all relevant laws and regulations not only protects our reputation but also helps us avoid costly fines and penalties.

This involves staying informed about the legal requirements governing our specific industries, such as licensing, permits, applicable statute and employment laws, and investing in expert legal advice when needed. My father wouldn’t lend me a penny without a legal contract, and in many ways, he was right to drive the point home. 

We also need to monitor behaviour towards the compliance along the journey. I have discovered the hard way how destructive a rogue individual can be when they disregard important compliance procedure and trust me when I tell you not to go there. 

By prioritizing legal compliance, we can mitigate potential risks and safeguard the integrity of our businesses. 

Social and Environmental Responsibility: Building a Better World

In today's interconnected world, social and environmental responsibility have become increasingly important factors in the success and sustainability of our businesses. In my experience both creation, and doing something worthwhile, only bring pleasure. Richard Branson rightly said, "Every business and individual has the power to change the world for the better.

By adopting ethical and sustainable business practices, we can create a positive impact on society and the environment, but we also tend to bolster the long-term success of our enterprises and partly this is aided by something as simple as the sustainable mindset.

We can adopt environmentally friendly production methods, support fair labour practices, or engage in a number of corporate social responsibility initiatives. TableNetwork, for example, has pledged to support Homeless charities. By implementing a carefully crafted fee structure, Table encourages all its members to join in that support, and gives employees increased meaning to their working lives. By committing to social and environmental responsibility, we can not only enhance our reputation, customer loyalty and employee satisfaction, but also contribute to the creation of a better world for future generations.

Applying legal and compliance, and social and environmental responsibility as essential aspects of business management, we help to ensure our enterprises remain profitable, scalable, and sustainable while making a positive impact on the world around us.

Adaptability is Resilience

Embracing Change and Staying Agile

I recall several years ago in a meeting at JLL, my business partner and I were told by an investment agent, the very knowledgeable Martin LeGrice, that we needed to “build the plane and fit the undercarriage while it’s in the air”. As entrepreneurs we knew the sentiment and nodded to each other. Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn even said, "An entrepreneur is someone who jumps off a cliff and builds a plane on the way down.” In the ever-evolving landscape of the business world, adaptability and agility are vital to the long-term success of our enterprises. 

As entrepreneurs we all know that we must embrace change and maintain a flexible mindset. It is the way to ensure our businesses remain resilient and competitive. We must keep a pulse on emerging trends, technologies, and market shifts, and be prepared to pivot our strategies and offerings accordingly. 

In the pursuit of profitability and growth, capitalizing on opportunities is essential. Branson once remarked "Business opportunities are like buses; there's always another one coming.” To ensure our business thrives in the long term, we must remain vigilant and ready to seize the opportunities that come our way, but it’s worth noting that missing an opportunity does not make the world stop turning.

By fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability within our organization, we can navigate change with confidence and agility, ensuring our businesses continue to thrive in the face of uncertainty.

Networking with Competitors and Other Business Owners

One powerful strategy for enhancing adaptability and resilience is networking with competitors and other business owners. By cultivating relationships with those who share our challenges, successes, and experiences, we can access a wealth of knowledge, insights, and perspectives that can help us grow and evolve. 

This modern mindset to business is in strong contrast to the message given off by the old fashioned “secret sauce” advertising. But networks where business owners and entrepreneurs share and troubleshoot together have frequently proven to save thousands and more in costs, and appear to increase yields for most companies that partake. As written on the Table Network website about its first group “Every business that took part flourished.” 

Participating in industry events, joining professional associations, or engaging in online forums and communities can also show benefits, but by forging connections with our peers, we can learn from their experiences, share best practices, and collaborate on innovative solutions to common problems.

Adaptability and resilience ensure the long-term success of our businesses. By embracing change, staying agile, and networking with competitors and other business owners, we can build a robust foundation upon which our enterprises can flourish, even in the face of challenges and uncertainty.

The Route to Profit and Scale, with Sustainability 

As the shore of our voyage of discovery comes into view, we find ourselves reflecting on the treasures we’ve unearthed on our journey to building a profitable, scalable, and sustainable business. From delving deep into the desires of our customers to ensuring our vessel is financially seaworthy, from fostering a crew of innovative thinkers to hoisting the sails of social and environmental responsibility, it's been quite the expedition that’s caused me to reflect on my own experiences and gaze over the pursuits of others. 

The cardinal points on our compass that have guided us on this quest are clear: Demand, robust finances, a spirit of innovation, and the invaluable assistance of others. Understanding our customer's 'Why', ensuring a healthy margin on costs, staying adaptable, and not underestimating the importance of our network are the winds that have filled our sails, pushing us ever forward.

For those starting something anew, your own voyage begins. The lessons we've looked at and the connections we've reflected on are not merely the treasures of this journey, but the tools for your next. 

As you prepare to set sail on your next venture, remember these lessons and keep them close to your chest. The seas may sometimes be stormy, and the journey fraught with challenges, but with the right charts, a spirited crew, and a flotilla of fellow travellers, you are prepared. Remember also, that no ship sails in isolation. The network of fellow voyagers we build and maintain can be our most valuable asset.

As we disembark, I leave you with this final thought: 

As you stand on the shoreline, gazing out at the vast expanse of opportunities ahead, what will be your next voyage? And just as importantly, who will join you and who will you share this journey with?

Ed Fowkes

May 2023

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